Friday, December 10, 2010

This is my E-card. Displaying animation, the Type Tool, Quick Selection Tool, Paint Tools and Cropping.Sharing the holiday spirit from San Antonio College as well as the other Alamo Colleges.

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Happy Holiday Card, that was done in Photoshop by the Paint Tools. I got a picture of The Tower of the Americas got the basic outline of it, as well as the shape of texas, outlined the different school logos and the main logo with the Quick Selection Tool. Then painted in The Tower of the Americas, and the shape of Texas on the left. Then I used the Type Tool  and added "Happy Holidays", "From: San Antonio, Texas", and "Alamo Colleges", as well as the different school names. For the background I used the Gradient Tool, and put it all together and this was the outcome.
Pegasus was my very first project in Photoshop. Done by using the Quick Selection tool to outline the horse and each of the wings. Then I place the first wing(back one) one the background, the added the horse to the picture placing it so it looked as if it were on the clouds, then lastly placed the second wing(front one) on the picture and moved it around so it looked as if they were all connected.
A poster to promote Digital Design for San Antonio College as well as the other Alamo Colleges. Showing the different types of paint tools, the different types of font used, how to make a pop out effect, as well as giving The Alamo Colleges publicity.
The "Cygnus" a swan, done in Photoshop as well with the help of paint tools. The clouds and spot of light done by looking at a actual picture and copying by looking, and the outline of the swan with the directions of dots to guide the eyes to see where the stars are placed.
The "Crux" as well done with the paint tools in Photoshop. The stars are basically right in the middle of all the Flor de lis shapes. Connecting from top to bottom and left to right all crossing in the middle slightly right of Crux.
The goal for this piece is Constellations. The stars make a diamond, the top one under the hole in the top connects to the left scale at the top connecting to just above the "Libra" moving to the right top part of the scale, connecting back to the first star at the top. Done by a paint brush and the Typing Tool. 
This piece is done with the paint tools in Photoshop. Done with a variety of paint brushes and different angles. This one I put up a copy of Van Gogh's painting up next to a blank canvas and started by doing the oulines of everything. Once that was done I took the paint tool and colored the different areas according to the copy one. Then I used the different brushes and different angles to put the details in.
The Shark, one of my later projects,also done in Photoshop.For the Shark I used the Pen Tool to outline him with all the rigid details on the body. Once I outlined him I used the paint tool to color him in, then I used the type tool to put in "Shark".
Not Done. This is a Cheetah that I painted in Photoshop with the paint tools. My goal was to draw the shape of the Cheetah color it in with the details and put him in life like scenery. All by using the paint tools.
The Ahool is the third of one of the first projects I had recreated. I found them interesting just for the fact that its not just 2 animals put together for this mythical creature. It's 3, bats for the wings, an ape body and a owl body. Three very different animals combined to make one/two mythical creatures, living in the deepest part of the rainforests of Java.
The Cockatrice is also one of the first projects I recreated. I did the Cockatrice because the background behind the creature seemed intersting and the way it is created seemed unique. The Cockatrice consists of a lizard body with the head of a "Cock". The background of the Cockatrice is that they would live in villages and come out at night and scare the villagers, but the villagers didn't know what they were, how they got to the village, and why they would come out and scare them.
The Feathered Serpent was one of the first projects I did.I did the Feathered Serpent, because to me all the different varities looked interesting to try to recreate. So what I did was found pictures of clouds in the sky, and windy shape serpent and spread out wings on a bird. Then I outlined them all and used the many tools in Photoshop to recreate a new Feathered Serpent. And this is the result of the hard work at the end.